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RentMall is Worlds’s first biggest rental platform. Where everyone can rent their products or rent without involving any third party and commission free. We work like that property management is more than only getting your rent.
RentMall is a Platform for classifieds Rentals to list rentals like hiring a car, Wedding Service, Furniture, Toys, House, Heavy Equipment, Camera, Construction Equipment, Books, Laptop/PC, Printers and many more you can search and compare rentals best suited to your requirements. RentMall is the most cost-effective way for rental services.
Make the most of yielded economy based business form with us. Start your online Rental marketplace and provide rent items to your customers as per their requirements. It's your property and we will analyze the methods to accommodate. We are sure that we will make your property management and renting very easy.
Rent mall website provide a review system for a products, Register user can give review on any products, and also suggest a suggestion for a product.
Too see products details you must have to be logged in after you can see the contact information.
All the details mandatory in registration page, Each and every details put in registration page.
Registration success you will get email in mail, you will get confirmation mail so first confirm your mail after you will login.
Sometimes people choose a product on a rent because that product less use in routine life so people will use on rent. A lots of advantage of rent product, less money pay for a product easily use a product, so no need to require to buying a product and save the Bills.
Renting product is best option for earn extra money from Renting your non-used Products. Rent product first advantage is you can single product use in multiple times. We have a mentioned mostly all category for rent, you can choose category and upload products. Rent mall provide free cost for upload a product so no need to require to any types of investment, You can easily upload your products, And no limitation for upload products.